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Submitting to XR

XR is always looking for original content from students, especially students of color, at the University of Chicago. We welcome submissions of finished works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art, audio, and video, as well as pitches for editorial/essay-style pieces.

Submission Requirements

  • Contributors must be enrolled as a student at the University of Chicago. Both undergraduate and graduate contributors are welcome.

  • Even if it is not the main subject of the work, pieces should show demonstrated interest in an active and ongoing discussion of race, culture, or ethnicity. 

  • We are open to a broad range of styles and subject matters; pieces may discuss personal experience, local and/or global news items, academic topics, criticism, and anything else you are interested in writing about. 

  • Students are encouraged to submit papers written for class that discuss race and that you would like to share.

  • We don’t have strict length requirements, but our suggested word count for nonfiction pieces is between 800-1600 words.

  • XR will not publish any work which contains derogatory or discriminatory language or ideas, including but not limited to racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, or ableism.

Submission Instructions

  • Email all pitches and submissions of finished work to

  • Format the subject line of your email as: XR Submission [Last Name] [Type of work– fiction, nonfiction, etc]

  • Written work should be submitted as a .doc or .docx file.

  • Visual artwork may be submitted as a .jpg, .pdf, or .png file.

  • Audio and visual work may be submitted as a .mp3, .mp4, or .m4a file, or as a Google Drive link.

  • If you prefer to be contacted at a different email address than the one you use to submit to us, please include that address and/or any other preferred methods of contact in your message.

XR reserves the right to publish submitted pieces at our own discretion. If your piece is selected for publication, we will contact you within a month (during the regular school year). All pieces submitted will be edited with the intention of making the piece as best as possible. Contributors should be ready to make changes when necessary and open to collaborating with editors. 

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